INVITROGEN - Biotechnologies 3M Santé ACE - Biological analyses AREA TIME - Medical transport logistics BAYER DIAGNOSTICS - Medical instruments CATALENT PHARMA SOLUTIONS - Drugs and active ingredients CERBA PASTEUR LABORATOIRE - Biological analyses DIAGNOSTICA STAGO - Medical instruments GILSON - Medical instruments HARISSON CLINICAL RESEARCH - Clinical analyses HYPHEN BIOMED - Biology applied to medicine INVITROGEN - Molecular biology MDS PHARMA - Biological analyses PALL BIOSEPRA - Drugs and active ingredients SAFECOS - Control and sanitary watch SILLIKER - Control and sanitary watch
VAL D'OISE INSTRUMENTS AND MEASUREMENT NETWORK (RMVO) The main goal of the RMVO, recognised as a Local Productive System by the DIACT (Delegation for the Development and Competitiveness of the Département), is the development of companies located in the département working in the measurement and instruments sector in any field. The work undertaken by this network is carried out with the aim of:
- strategic watch, assisting all companies involved in the manufacture of scientific and technical measurement and control instruments;
- collaborative work, in particular in the field of metrology, for representation at professional shows in France and abroad; for example at the « Mesure Expo » exhibition each year in Paris;
-working with higher education, in particular the University of Cergy-Pontoise, which already has courses training students for professions relating to instrumentation and measurement (professional degree); access to a website to raise the profile of member companies and promote the network.
BRINGING TOGETHER RESEARCHERS AND COMPANIES ONCE A YEAR As part of the efforts by the CESE 95 (Val d'Oise Further Education / Company Forum) to bring further education institutions and SMEs and SMIs closer together in the département, the CEEVO is heavily involved each year in the Val d'Oise Research and Innovation Week. A wide variety of events are on offer locally during the course of the week: lectures, visits to factories, companies and research laboratories, business meetings, and so on. Free of charge and open to all, this event is an opportunity to get to know some of the companies and laboratories in the health industry as well as the projects which are part of the Medicen competitiveness cluster.
THE EBI – A BENCHMARK SCHOOL FOR COSMETOLOGY AND PHARMACY The Higher School of Industrial Biology is a private technical institute of higher education, recognised by the State. It awards engineering diplomas recognised by the engineering accreditation commission. Courses lasts for 5-years post-Baccalaureate including the preparatory course is included. Challenges magazine ranks the school in the 30 leading engineering schools in France in terms of successful employment of graduates, links with industry and international standing.
In ten years, the EBI has become the benchmark engineering school for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It trains 600 students each year, 125 graduating at BAC + 5 level, including 100 engineers. For several years, the EBI has been taking part in the business conventions organised with Kumamoto and is now open to technological contacts in Osaka -Japanese companies in the biology and cosmetics sector are particularly interested in their know-how and skills. In addition, there are many relationships with the University ofSojo Microbiology department around shared fields of research, with exchanges betweenteaching research staff and students.