Health and biotechnology in the Val d'Oise

Research and further education:

- Higher School of Industrial Biology (EBI) in the Institut Polytechnique Saint-Louis: engineering diploma, courses for assistant engineers and Engineering Masters of Business

- University of Cergy-Pontoise (« Science and techniques » faculty): Master of Science in « Biological, informative and recombination macromolecule Technologies »

Public laboratories:

- ERRMECE: Extra-Cellular / Cell Matrix Relationships Research Laboratory

- SOSCO-UCP / ESCOM / CNRS: Selective Organic Synthesis and Organometallic Chemistry laboratory

- LPPI: Physical chemistry of Polymers and Interfaces Laboratory

- GRP2H: INSERM 680 branch working on Hereditary Liver Physiopathology: molecular biology, DNA sequencing, cloning.

Private laboratories:

- CATALENT, PALL BIOSEPRA: design and manufacture of drugs and active ingredients

HYPHEN BIOMED: Biotechnology applied to medicine

SILLIKER, SAFECOS: control and sanitary watch

- AREA TIME LOGISTICS: transportation of biological products

The University of Cergy-Pontoise has several research teams concentrating on health, in particular the ERRMECE, GRP2H and SOSCO laboratories. The University's research department has highly specialised laboratories (50 - 60 researchers).
Private health research in the Val d'Oise involves over 120 researchers, working in areas such as the design and manufacture of drugs and active ingredients, the development of watch resources for specialised biology, as well as scientific and technical instruments and control.


In order to consolidate its position in the increasingly competitive world economy, France has formed regional competitiveness clusters with a worldwide or national vocation. The aim is to bring together companies, research centres and training bodies to pool skills. They follow the industrial policy already developed in neighbouring Germany and Italy. Each cluster based in the Val d'Oise opens up the département to the world economy.

carre Aeronautics, health, information and communication technologies, transport, energy, finance, and more. The list of the 71 projected clusters, drawn up by the CIADT (Interministerial Regional Planning and Development Committee) covers all the major sectors of business throughout France. With the financial backing of the State, the listed clusters also benefit from tax breaks and reduced social contributions. In addition, local authorities may offer exemption from local taxes.

carre Six of the existing or aspiring world-class competitiveness clusters directly involve companies located in the Val d'Oise: ASTech Paris Région, Cap Digital Paris Région, Finance Innovation, Medicen Paris Région, Mov'eo and System@tic Paris Région.

Receiving the «Competitiveness Cluster» label has an immediate knock-on effect for the «département», enhancing both its brand image and the reputation of its companies, universities and research institutions.

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