The co-opération agreement with the prefecture of Osaka (JAPAN)

The General Council of Val d'Oise has been linked since 1987 by an exchange and co-operation agreement with the prefecture of OSAKA in Japan.

Within the scope of this partnership, many economic exchanges are organised each year between Val d'Oise and the region of OSAKA (participation of Val d'Oise companies in the G'BOC Business Convention, organisation of seminars to promote Val d'Oise, meetings with company managers from the KANSAI region, running of a club for Japanese company managers in Val d'Oise ("Club Val d'Oise Japan"), etc.


inter fleche02Japanese Prefectures and the Kansai region also have a development agency dedicated to promoting home foreign investment capabilities, but also to facilitate the search for local partners in industry and services:

KPS Kansai Partnership
6-2-27, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku
Osaka 530-6691
Tel.: +81 6 6479 8070 - Fax : +81 6 64798071
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

inter fleche02The CEEVO has a permanent representation office in Osaka, which liaises with the economic, academic and local institutional:

Val d'Oise Osaka Office
2-8, Hommachi-bashi
OSAKA 540-0029
Tel./Fax : + 81 (0)6 - 6944 - 5181
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internet :
Contact: M. Seiki YONEDA



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