"Missions Export" 2016 | The program of export operations organized by the Economic Development Committee of the Val d'Oise  See the program


Aménagement : Présentation et visite par les membres de la Commission Aménagement du C...

11 October 2024
Aménagement : Présentation et visite par les membres de la Commission "Aménagement" du CEEVO de la Tour Engie, à Cergy, appelée à etre transformée en une résidence étudiants associée à un programme de bureaux et de commerces, à l'invitation et en présence

Les membres de la Commission "Aménagement " du CEEVO, l’Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, ont échan...

Mobilités : Échanges et réunions de travail du CEEVO avec l'équipe de la société GUAM (G...

11 October 2024
Mobilités : Échanges et réunions de travail du CEEVO avec l'équipe de la société GUAM (Global Urban Air Mobility) pour évoquer la préparation d'un MasterPlan urbain et UAM U-Space prospectif et expérimental en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé les 7, 8 et 9 octobre derniers, à une série de réun...

Investissements : Participation du CEEVO au Salon Forex Expo 2024 pour la promotion d'op...

11 October 2024
Investissements : Participation du CEEVO au Salon Forex Expo 2024 pour la promotion d'opportunités d'investissements en lien avec les entreprises du Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé au Salon Forex Expo 2024, plate-forme international...

Territoires : Participation du CEEVO au 5ème Sommet de l’Axe Seine, organisé par le Jour...

11 October 2024
Territoires : Participation du CEEVO au 5ème Sommet de l’Axe Seine, organisé par le Journal du Grand Paris et le Journal de l’Axe Seine au Comet Bourse de Paris

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 8 octobre dernier, au 5ème Sommet de l’Axe Sein...

Immobilier d'entreprise : Participation du CEEVO à la présentation du nouveau programme ...

11 October 2024
Immobilier d'entreprise : Participation du CEEVO à la présentation du nouveau programme d'immobilier d’entreprises Innovespace proposé par le promoteur Alsei à Ennery (Val-d'Oise)

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 9 octobre dernier, au Château de l'Hermitage, à...

Immobilier d'entreprise : Participation du CEEVO au SIBCA, le Salon de l’immobilier bas ...

11 October 2024
Immobilier d'entreprise : Participation du CEEVO au SIBCA, le Salon de l’immobilier bas carbone, à Paris

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 9 octobre dernier, au SIBCA, au Salon de l’immo...

AgriTech : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une opération de promotion des opportunités d’imp...

11 October 2024
AgriTech : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une opération de promotion des opportunités d’implantation et d'investissement d'entreprises AgriTech en Val-d'Oise, dans le cadre du Salon international AgraME

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a organisé, à l'occasion du Salon international AgraME, les 7 e...

Investissements : A Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, les pompiers du Val-d'Oise centralisent leur l...

09 October 2024
Investissements : "A Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, les pompiers du Val-d'Oise centralisent leur logistique" (Article Les Echos)

Source : Les Echos Les sapeurs pompiers du Val-d'Oise vont se doter d'une no uvelle plate-forme logistique à l'horizon 2027 sur la commune de St Ouen...

Entreprises : Visite par le CEEVO des ateliers de l'entreprise Cimbe, à Argenteuil, et é...

09 October 2024
Entreprises : Visite par le CEEVO des ateliers de l'entreprise Cimbe, à Argenteuil, et échanges avec son Directeur, Jérôme Morges, pour évoquer les projets de développement de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a visité, le 30 septembre dernier, les ateliers de l'entreprise...

International : Participation du CEEVO à l'accueil de la délégation de la ville Chinoise...

09 October 2024
International : Participation du CEEVO à l'accueil de la délégation de la ville Chinoise de Shiyan (Province du Hubei) à la mairie d'Argenteuil

Dans le cadre des échanges entre le Département du Val-d'Oise et la Chine, et avec l'appui du bureau à Shanghai du CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement ...

Immobilier d'entreprises : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion de lancement de l’opérati...

08 October 2024
Immobilier d'entreprises : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion de lancement de l’opération MIPIM 2025 sur le Pavillon Grand Paris coordonnée par l’agence d’attractivité régionale, Choose Paris Region

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 3 octobre dernier, dans les locaux de la Région...

Francophonie : Intervention du CEEVO en ouverture de la 3ème édition du Festival de l'In...

08 October 2024
Francophonie : Intervention du CEEVO en ouverture de la 3ème édition du Festival de l'Intelligence économique francophone (FIEF), organisé en marge du XIXème Sommet de la Francophonie, à Cergy-Pontoise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, est intervenu, par l'intermédiaire de son Directeur général, Je...

Coopérations : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une rencontre avec les équipes de la société ...

08 October 2024
Coopérations : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une rencontre avec les équipes de la société 3M France en charge des applications pour l'hydrogène pour Hirokazu Yamamoto, Président de la société japonaise Yamamoto Electric Works Co., Ltd. et du cluster aéronau

Dans le cadre du Programme européen "EU Japan Region to Region", au titre duquel le CEEVO a été sélectionné pour le Val-d'Oise parmi 6 age...

Territoires : Participation du CEEVO à la 15éme édition de l'Université des Maires du Va...

08 October 2024
Territoires : Participation du CEEVO à la 15éme édition de l'Université des Maires du Val-d'Oise à l'initiative de l'Union des Maires du Val-d'Oise à Cormeilles-en-Parisis

Le CEEVO était présent pour animer un espace d'exposition lors de la 15éme édition de l'Université des Maires du Val-d'Oise, qui se tenait à Cormeil...

Transport : Animation par le CEEVO de la soirée de présentation du nouveau Port trimodal...

08 October 2024
Transport : Animation par le CEEVO de la soirée de présentation du nouveau Port trimodal Paris-Bruyères exploité par MEDLOG (Groupe MSC) à Bruyères-sur-Oise (95)

Le CEEVO, l’Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a animé, le 2 octobre dernier, la soirée organisée en partenari...

Investissements : Lisi Aerospace modernise son usine du Val-d'Oise (Article Les Echos)

08 October 2024
Investissements : "Lisi Aerospace modernise son usine du Val-d'Oise" (Article Les Echos)

Source : Les Echos A Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, Lisi Aerospace agrandit sonbusine de 4000 m2 pour fabriquer des raccords hydrauliques pour l'aviation. L'en...

Val-d'Oise / Japon : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une réunion de travail avec Hirokazu Ya...

08 October 2024
Val-d'Oise / Japon : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une réunion de travail avec Hirokazu Yamamoto, Président de la société japonaise Yamamoto Electric Works Co., Ltd. et du cluster aéronautique Kobe Aero Network (KAN), pour évoquer les opportunités de coopér

Dans le cadre du Programme européen "EU Japan Region to Region", au titre duquel le CEEVO a été sélectionné pour le Val-d'Oise parmi 6 age...

Mobilités : Échanges du CEEVO avec Daniel Sloat, Président de l' Advanced Air Mobility (...

08 October 2024
Mobilités : Échanges du CEEVO avec Daniel Sloat, Président de l' Advanced Air Mobility (AAA) Institute, et Président de la société Electro.Aero Pty Ltd, pour évoquer les atouts du Val-d'Oise pour les entreprises de la filière de la Mobilité Aérienne Avanc

Le CEEVO, l’Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a accueilli à Cergy, le 2 octobre dernier, Daniel Sloat, Présid...

Enseignement supérieur : Participation du CEEVO au Conseil d'administration et à l'Assem...

02 October 2024
Enseignement supérieur : Participation du CEEVO au Conseil d'administration et à l'Assemblée générale du Carrefour Enseignement supérieur / Entreprises du Val d'Oise (CESE95) pour évoquer le bilan d'activités et les projets d'actions de l'association

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé le 1er octobre dernier au Conseil d'administration ...

Mécénat : Échanges du CEEVO avec Jean Kirchhoffer, Président, et Pascal Bertin, Directeu...

01 October 2024
Mécénat : Échanges du CEEVO avec Jean Kirchhoffer, Président, et Pascal Bertin, Directeur Artistique du Festival Baroque de Pontoise, pour évoquer les nouvelles stratégies déployées en matière de Mécénat et de partenariats avec les entreprises

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a accueilli à Cergy, le 30 septembre dernier, Jean Kirchhoffer,...

International : Échanges du CEEVO avec Youguo Wang, Secrétaire du Comité du PCC du Distr...

01 October 2024
International : Échanges du CEEVO avec Youguo Wang, Secrétaire du Comité du PCC du District de Daxing Beijing, à l'occasion de l'édition 2024 de la Conférence internationale sur les places aéroportuaires durables (SAAIC)

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a échangé, le 24 septembre dernier, avec Youguo Wang, Secrétair...

Investissements : Vinci construction agrandit et modernise sa plateforme de Bruyères-su...

01 October 2024
Investissements : "Vinci construction agrandit et modernise sa plateforme de Bruyères-sur-Oise" (Article Le Journal du Grand Paris)

Source : Le Journal du Grand Paris Extract, filiale de Vinci construction spécialisée dans la valorisation des terres polluées, a inauguré le 24 sept...

Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO à la rencontre mensuelle des membres du réseau Dynamic ...

01 October 2024
Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO à la rencontre mensuelle des membres du réseau Dynamic 95, et visite des locaux de la société Fournier Group, franchisée Feu Vert, à Saint-Ouen l'Aumône

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le mardi 24 septembre dernier, à la rencontre mens...

Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec l'équipe de la société La Pépiite, à Cergy, pour év...

01 October 2024
Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec l'équipe de la société La Pépiite, à Cergy, pour évoquer les projets de développement de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a échangé avec l'équipe de la société La Pépiite, à Cergy, soci...

Immobilier d'entreprises : Participation du CEEVO aux Rencontres de l’immobilier organis...

01 October 2024
Immobilier d'entreprises : Participation du CEEVO aux Rencontres de l’immobilier organisées par la Communauté d’agglomération Plaine Vallée dans le cadre de la Journée des Entreprises et du Territoire (JET), à Domont

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 24 septembre dernier, aux Rencontres de l’immob...

Aéronautique : Intervention du CEEVO pour présenter les atouts du Val d'Oise dans le dom...

30 September 2024
Aéronautique : Intervention du CEEVO pour présenter les atouts du Val d'Oise dans le domaine de la Mobilité Aérienne Avancée (AAM) lors de l'International Forum on Airworthiness and Safe development of Low Altitude Economy, à Daxing - Beijing

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, est intervenu, par l'intermédiaire de son Directeur général, Je...

Hydrogène : Visite par le CEEVO des locaux de la Daxing International Hydrogen Energy De...

30 September 2024
Hydrogène : Visite par le CEEVO des locaux de la Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone dans le Parc économique aéroportuaire de Beijing Daxing

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a visité, le 27 septembre dernier, les locaux de la Daxing Inte...

Investissement : Participation du CEEVO à l’inauguration de l’extension et de la moderni...

30 September 2024
Investissement : Participation du CEEVO à l’inauguration de l’extension et de la modernisation de la plateforme de traitement et de valorisation des terres polluées d’Extract (Groupe Vinci), à Bruyères sur Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 24 septembre dernier, à l’inauguration de l’ext...

Mobilité : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion du Club Mobilité animée par Choose Paris ...

30 September 2024
Mobilité : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion du Club Mobilité animée par Choose Paris Region avec l'Établissement Public territorial Boucle Nord de Seine au port de Genevilliers

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 26 septembre dernier, à la réunion du Club Mobi...

BioTech : Visite par le CEEVO des laboratoires et du Centre de recherche de la société B...

30 September 2024
BioTech : Visite par le CEEVO des laboratoires et du Centre de recherche de la société Beijing Cell Therapy Group Co., Ltd., dans la zone économique aéroportuaire de Beijing Daxing

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a visité, le 27 septembre dernier, les laboratoires et le Centr...

Industrie : Participation du CEEVO au Comité de pilotage Territoires d'industrie de l’...

30 September 2024
Industrie : Participation du CEEVO au Comité de pilotage "Territoires d'industrie" de l’Établissement public Territorial Boucle Nord de Seine, à Colombes, au sein du siège de l’entreprise Safran Transmission Systems

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 27 septembre dernier, au Comité de pilotage &qu...

Promotion : Intervention du CEEVO pour présenter la situation et les enjeux du pôle Rois...

30 September 2024
Promotion : Intervention du CEEVO pour présenter la situation et les enjeux du pôle Roisy CDG - le Bourget, avec Roissy Développement, lors de l'édition 2024 de la Conférence internationale sur les places aéroportuaires durables (SAAIC)

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, est intervenu le 25 septembre dernier, par l'intermédiaire de s...

Enseignement supérieur: Participation du CEEVO à la Deuxième Journée des Partenaires du ...

30 September 2024
Enseignement supérieur: Participation du CEEVO à la Deuxième Journée des Partenaires du Pôle Universitaire d'Innovation (PUI) CY Transfer, organisée à la Maison Internationale de la Recherche de Neuville-sur-Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, ce mardi 17 septembre, à la Deuxième Journée des P...

Mobilités : Participation du CEEVO à la cérémonie pour la pose de la 1ère pierre du nouv...

30 September 2024
Mobilités : Participation du CEEVO à la cérémonie pour la pose de la 1ère pierre du nouveau Centre Bus au biométhane de Villiers-le-Bel

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 26 septembre dernier, à l'invitation de la RATP...

Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO à la Journée des Entreprises et du Territoire (JET 2024...

30 September 2024
Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO à la Journée des Entreprises et du Territoire (JET 2024) - Plaine Vallée - Golf de Domont Montmorency

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise a participé, le 25 septembre dernier, à la Journée des Entrepris...

Territoires : Participation du CEEVO à la Fête des Entreprises organisée par Roissy Déve...

30 September 2024
Territoires : Participation du CEEVO à la Fête des Entreprises organisée par Roissy Développement dans les locaux de la société Tereos à Moussy-le-Vieux

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 25 septembre dernier, à la Fête des Entreprises...

Places aéroportuaires : Intervention du CEEVO en ouverture de l'édition 2024 de la Confé...

30 September 2024
Places aéroportuaires : Intervention du CEEVO en ouverture de l'édition 2024 de la Conférence internationale sur les places aéroportuaires durables (SAAIC)

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, est intervenu, par l'intermédiaire de son Directeur général, Je...

Enseignement supérieur : Une nouvelle Maison Internationale de la Recherche ouvre à Cer...

30 September 2024
Enseignement supérieur : "Une nouvelle Maison Internationale de la Recherche ouvre à Cergy-Pontoise" (Article 13 comme une)

Source : Magazine 13 Comme Une Cergy-Pontoise poursuit son ambition de devenir un acteur clé de l'enseignement supérieur en Île-de-France avec la nou...

Territoires : Édition 2024 de la Conférence Internationale sur les Zones Aéroportuaires ...

30 September 2024
Territoires : Édition 2024 de la Conférence Internationale sur les Zones Aéroportuaires Durables (SAAIC) - 25-27 septembre - Pékin Daxing

L'édition 2024 de la Conférence Internationale sur les Zones Aéroportuaires Durables (SAAIC) a été organisée entre le 25 et le 27 septembre à Pékin ...

Cybersécurité : TPE-PME du Val d'Oise : Participez à des modules de formations gratuites...

30 September 2024
Cybersécurité : TPE-PME du Val d'Oise : Participez à des modules de formations gratuites sur la communication digitale, la cybersécurité et l'IA et le collaboratif

Le CEEVO, l’Agence de Développement et d’Attractivité des territoires du Val d’Oise, accompagne la promotion de l'opportunité offerte aux cadres dir...


A trusted territory

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A trusted territory

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Near Paris

The Val d’Oise offers numerous opportunities for companies to establish a presence in its highly diversified areas that are nonetheless easily accessible from centre of Paris and Paris-Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport. Support services facilitate investment projects in the department’s six major areas: Vexin, Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise, Pays de France, Vallée de Montmorency, Rives de Seine and Plaine de France.

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The Val d’Oise Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) is the Val d’Oise Economic Development Agency (Paris- Ile-de-France). It promotes the economic attractiveness of the territory, its companies and the initiatives developed by local stakeholders. The CEEVO provides support for all those looking to create, develop, or establish their company in the Val d’Oise. It has offices in Cergy-Pontoise (head office), at Paris-Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport, in Osaka (Japan) and in Shanghai (China).

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An exceptional geographic location

The Val d’Oise is a privileged territory. Just a few kilometres north of Paris, at the heart of the Ile-de-France, Europe’s leading economic region, it is a true gateway to the world. Located on the main strategic European transport flow routes (for both freight and passengers), it is part of the Grand Paris initiative. With the creation of a new port (Confluence Seine-Oise) and the «Grand Paris Express» automatic metro, the Val d’Oise is an ever-more dynamic and competitive territory that responds to today’s issues.
In terms of cultural heritage in the Val d’Oise, one only need mention the Château de La Roche-Guyon, Auvers-sur- Oise and the Valley of the Impressionists, Royaumont Abbey, the Châteaux d’Ecouen and the Châteaux de Méry-sur-Oise to get a sense of its wealth.

The enhancement of this heritage has long been one of the priorities of the Val d’Oise Departmental Council. The department’s cultural identity is the perfect environment for new initiatives as well as the development of business tourism.

A remarkable academic

11 universities with around 30,000 students in Val d’Oise. The Paris-Seine Association of universities and higher education institutions (Communauté d’Université et d’Etablissements, COMUE) and the University of Cergy- Pontoise offer more than 180 diplomas with 22 research centres. Renowned engineering institutes covering all fields of excellence (ENSEA1, EISTI, ENSAPC, EBI, ISTOM, ECAM-EPMI)


are located in the urban community of Cergy-Pontoise with their numerous state-of-theart laboratories and research centres. A prestigious business and management institute: ESSEC, International Business School, has been established in the Val d’Oise since 1973.

A gateway to the world

The privileged geographic location of the Val d’Oise largely explains the scale of its economic growth: its location in the north of Paris makes it an almost essential port of call for trade with Northern Europe as well as the main European ports thanks to the Oise and Seine rivers.
The Val d’Oise also has a dense railway coverage, with 4 RER lines and 2 SNCF networks. Besides its proximity to Paris, the international nature of the Val d’Oise is strengthened by the presence of Paris-Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport (the leading airport in continental Europe) and the CDG TGV airport railway station, which provide fast and easy connections for air and rail passengers to and from the major French and European cities.

 (1) ENSEA : École nationale supérieure de l’électronique et de ses applications, 
EISTI : École internationale des sciences du traitement de l’information, 
ENSAPC : École nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy, 
EBI : École de biologie industrielle, 
ISTOM : École Supérieure d’Agro-Développement International, 
ECAM-EPMI : École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Génie Électrique, Productique et Management Industriel.


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Innovation and development

Through its 9 competitiveness clusters (Advancity, ASTech Paris Région, Cap Digital Paris Région, Cosmetic Valley, Elastopôle, Finance Innovation, Medicen Paris Région, Mov’eo, System@tic Paris Région) active in the area, the Val d’Oise aims to encourage synergies between companies, higher education establishments, and public and private research organisations in order to launch projects in the field of economic development, innovation and international cooperation.

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It is also home to Europe’s leading business airport, Paris Le Bourget.
The A1, A16 and A15 motorways provide a fast connection to Paris and La Défense, as well as the ports of Rouen, Le Havre, Calais and the Channel Tunnel to London, as well as the major cities in Northern Europe. Finally, the «Francilienne» expressway facilitates access to Roissy Charles de Gaulle International Airport.

Economic and technological assets

Although its economic fabric is primarily composed of SMEs-SMIs, the Val d’Oise is home to a considerable number of large companies that play a crucial role in its economic vitality. Renowned industrial groups have chosen the Val d’Oise for their head offices, with more than 1,200 international companies in 180 business parks, along with associated services.
With a long industrial tradition and a young and qualified workforce, the department has expanded over 20 years to comprise more than 85,000 paid employment positions.
The business sectors in the Val d’Oise come under areas of excellence: aeronautics and airport services, cosmetics, onboard electronic systems, scientific and technological instrumentation, security and risk management applications, environmental technologies, transport and logistics, and the automotive industry.
The Val d’Oise also benefits from the actions of 9 competitiveness clusters, accredited by the Government, in the fields of complex software and systems, health and biotechnology, imaging, multimedia and digital life, road safety and

sustainable mobility, aeronautics and space, the finance industry, rubbers and polymers, cosmetics and urban development.

A connected region that sponsors major projects

The Val d’Oise promotes developmental projects within the framework of the Grand Paris initiative through transport infrastructure as well as major facilities and projects on an international scale for trade and business


tourism (Aéroville, Roissy Park International, Paris Nord 2, International Trade Center, Europa City).
On the cutting edge of new technologies, the complete very high-speed telecommunications coverage of the territory should be finalised by 2020.


Territorial diversity

The Val d’Oise offers numerous opportunities for companies to establish a presence in its highly diversified areas that are nonetheless easily accessible from centre of Paris and Paris-Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport. Support services are available to facilitate investment projects in six major areas:Vexin, Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise, Pays de France, Vallée de Montmorency, Rives de Seine et Plaine de France.

The Val d’Oise has property possibilities in urban and rural areas, including within the two Regional Nature Parks. It offers a comprehensive range of real estate products: offices, warehouses, laboratories, commercial premises, industrial buildings, business centres and incubators.


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Download the PowerPoint presentation in PDF format

The digital industry in the Val d'Oise



The digital industry is one of the fields
of excellence of the Ile-de-France region.
The Val d'Oise is home to some large organisations working in this sector, in addition to leading teaching establishments which play their part in this dynamic.

The digital economy, which includes everything from video games to telecommunications, and from microelectronic components to the Internet, involves both professionals, with the widespread use of computer tools and multimedia in companies, and private individuals, who are being affected by the arrival of home automation.

Digital applications are involved in all information transfers - data, voice, images and audio.

media27406 The sectors of business concerned are nanotechnologies, advanced software, computing systems, multimedia content and their related online services, and so on.

The Val d'Oise is currently home to:
- 400 companies in the digital industry,
- 1 400 companies involved in the use of these technologies,
- 6 higher education institutions linked to this area of business, several public and private research laboratories working in this field.


« CAPweb CT 95 aims to develop e-citizenship around the core value of accessible digital life for all. The Val d'Oise Conseil Général is running this project which as been chosen as part of the Cap Digital Paris Région competitiveness cluster – an indication of the high level of commitment of this local authority. »

The CEEVO promotes a number of strategic sectors of excellence in the Val d'Oise, working in partnership with networks of high-performance companies involved in these areas of business, most of which participate in the competitiveness cluster initiative.




Wireless broadcasting and transmission equipment
Software publication
Electronic equipment
Industry, electrotechniques and automation
Software publication
SONY France SA
Household appliance business
France SAS
Manufacture of low voltage electrical equipment

media27406 Managed in partnership with the Val d'Oise Conseil Général and the urban district of Cergy-Pontoise, through the ACCET Val d'Oise Technopole, the European centre for business and innovation (CEEI), Neuvitec 95, is located at the heart of the university and science cluster in Neuville-sur-Oise, one of the twelve municipal areas in Cergy-Pontoise.
A technological business incubator, Neuvitec 95 is geared to innovating technological projects, with connections to higher education and research. Since its inception in 1998, Neuvitec 95 has been encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit in higher education institutions. Examples of this to date include an ENSEA student joining a start-up company in the incubator, an EPMI graduate developing a project to set up his own company and a university student beginning his own e-business company. The incubator is already home to a dozen up-and-coming businesses whose work relates directly to digital technology, or the use of its resources.
Neuvitec 95 - Val d'Oise European Centre for Business and Innovation.



media27406 As part of the efforts by the CESE 95 (Val d'Oise Further Education / Company Forum) to bring further education institutions and SMEs and SMIs closer together in the département, the CEEVO is heavily involved each year in the Val d'Oise Research and Innovation Week. A wide variety of events are on offer locally during the course of the week: lectures, visits to factories, companies and research laboratories, business meetings, and so on. Free of charge and open to all, this event is an opportunity to get to know some of the companies and laboratories in the digital industry as well as the progress of projects which are part of the Cap Digital Paris Région competitiveness cluster.



Research and further education:

  • UCP: University of Cergy-Pontoise

  • ENSEA: Graduate School for Electronics and Applications

  • EISTI: International School of Data Processing Sciences

  • EPMI: School of Electricity, Production and Industrial Methods

  • ESSEC: Graduate School of Economics and BusinessITIN: Graduate School of Computer science, networks and information systems

  • ITIN: Graduate School of Computer science, networks and information systems
  • Institut Polytechnique Saint-Louis

    Public laboratories:

  • ETIS (ENSEA-UCP-CNRS): Signal and Image Processing Laboratory

  • ECIME (ENSEA-UCP) : Instrumentation and Electronic Modelling Laboratory

  • ECS (ENSEA) : System Command Laboratory

  • ESTI: EARLY and LAPI research laboratories

  • ITIN: centre of research and innovation

Private laboratories:

  • Sagem Groupe SAFRAN (Mobile telephony - Defence and Security - Audiovisual activities)




In order to consolidate its position in the increasingly competitive world economy, France has formed regional competitiveness clusters with a worldwide or national vocation. The aim is to bring together companies, research centres and training bodies to pool skills. They follow the industrial policy already developed in neighbouring Germany and Italy. Each cluster based in the Val d'Oise opens up the département to the world economy.

media27406 Aeronautics, health, information and communication technologies, transport, energy, finance, and more. The list of the 71 projected clusters, drawn up by the CIADT (Interministerial Regional Planning and Development Committee) covers all the major sectors of business throughout France. With the financial backing of the State, the listed clusters also benefit from tax breaks and reduced social contributions. In addition, local authorities may offer exemption from local taxes.

media27406 Six of the existing or aspiring world-class competitiveness clusters directly involve companies located in the Val d'Oise: ASTech Paris Région, Cap Digital Paris Région, Finance Innovation, Medicen Paris Région, Mov'eo and System@tic Paris Région.

Receiving the «Competitiveness Cluster» label has an immediate knock-on effect for the «département», enhancing both its brand image and the reputation of its companies, universities and research institutions.



media27406 Cap Digital Paris Région has a concentration of skills found nowhere else in the world. Focussing on images, multimedia and the digital universe, it draws on the presence of companies in the Val d'Oise at the heart of digital technology (Sagem, Thalès, Thomson Broadcast, etc.) and further education institutions and research laboratories that specialise in this field (University of Cergy-Pontoise, ENSEA1, EISTI2, ESSEC3, ITIN4, ETIS5, ECIME6). The cluster brings together companies and research centres in six fields of business:

- films and broadcasting,
- video games,
- digital assets,
- knowledge engineering,
- education,
- multimedia communication.

Companies and education institutions in the Val d'Oise are already involved in 3 projects in the Competitiveness cluster:
- the HD3D-IIO project with the Thalès group as partner,
- the PPRE project with the EISTI as partner (the « electronic briefcase »),
- the TERRA NUMERICA project led by the Thalès group.


1 ENSEA: Graduate School for Electronics and Applications - 2 EISTI: International School of Data Processing Sciences 3 ESSEC: Graduate School of Economics and Business - 4 ITIN: Graduate School of Computer science, networks and information systems 5 ETIS: Signal and Image Processing Laboratory - 6 ECIME: Instrumentation and Electronic Modelling Laboratory at the ENSEA



media27406 The Terra Numerica project is a core project for the Cap Digital Paris Région cluster. This cooperative project relating to the digitalisation of regions and their resources aims to develop multimedia-based use of this information.
« Undertaken and led by Thalès in Cergy-Pontoise, at the heart of the Val d'Oise, « Terra Numerica is a set of technologies applied to the life of the general public to prepare people for living in the cities of the future, » explains Hervé Rochard, in charge of the project for Thalès. « Animated digital computer-generated imagery is the key to the whole system. Scanning every square metre of an area from an aircraft enables the production of a geospecific representation of whole cities (even on the scale of Paris or the equally large urban district of Cergy-Pontoise). » With Terra Numerica, a company wishing to locate to the Val d'Oise or for example in the heart of the urban district in the Prefecture city of Cergy-Pontoise, will have huge advantages. The animated electronic model of the entire urban district will enable them to locate the site which is best suited to make their business profitable (access, transport, etc.), and meet both their industrial needs (emissions, waste, etc.) and also those of their employees, taking into account human requirements and criteria for sustainable development. Everything can be examined in minute detail: noise, pollution and the amount of sunshine or rain, simulated in images based on real-life mapping data and photos of existing sites.
Backed by the driving force of the Thalès group, which manufactures flight simulators in its Val d'Oise plant, and its partners in the Cap Digital Paris Région cluster, this project involves both laboratories at engineering schools like the ETIS and the ENSEA and SMEs working with Thalès. It opens the way for many different applications such as transport management and navigational aids, civil security and environmental risks, and more fun aspects such as museography and cultural and tourist information services.


media27406 The Val d'Oise Research and Innovation Week, held every year in the Val d'Oise, is an opportunity for researchers in the département to present their projects to companies with lectures and round tables. The EPMI* and ITIN often take part in this kind of exercise.

Protection from the hazards of electrical transformers
The EPMI works in the field of fire protection for power equipment. Transformers are considered to be the most dangerous components in electrical installations. Several experts even expect an increase in the number of breakdowns by 1 - 2% from 2008 onwards. Moumen Darcherif, director of the EPMI, gives the example of hazard status report and suggests solutions. Studies quantifying phenomena resulting from electrical defects have been conducted to this end. Amongst other things, the EPMI is developing a multiphysics model of a transformer.

The contribution of new technologies (such as Virtual Reality) to public services
In one example, Florent Michel, a Virtual Reality engineer at the ITIN, is working on the benefits of new technologies in the practice of medicine, demonstrating the benefits that can be forthcoming for the general public – including the elderly and those less able to cope on their own – through online services implemented by all the administrative departments of a municipal council.


* EPMI: School of Electricity, Production and Industrial Methods

Mobile and digital telecoms software in Val d’Oise

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Val d’Oise, a trusted territory

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Fibre optic broadband for everyone in Val d’Oise by 2020

The Val d’Oise is the most advanced department in the Ile-de-France in this field, and one of the first in France to install fibre optic broadband - a major factor in terms of regional competition in the 21st century. It is a vital asset as regards the attraction of the Val d’Oise, and is supported by the Departmental Council. All homes and businesses are to be covered by 2020.

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Enghien-les-Bains as business incubator

Enghien-les-Bains is the home of Numeric Lab, which was founded in January 2015. This incubator of innovative digital start-ups offers businesses a flexible place to be, encouraging them to produce, prototype and structure the digital projects of the future in the areas of intelligent furniture design, applications, connected objects and robotics etc. Tailored support is on offer, with the latest equipment, priority access to financing and networking with local and international partners.

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Close-up of a sector

The Val d’Oise has long been the home of big names in the telecoms sector, such as Sagemcom, Sagem-Mobile, Thales, Archos and Huawei, etc. Some of them started in Bezons, or located their head office there like Atos (86,000 employees across 66 countries), a leading company in the areas of digital services, systems consultancy and integration, outsourcing, Big Data and security. The momentum for telecoms in Val d’Oise is also down to the presence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Electronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA) delivering high-level training in electronics and signal processing, the École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information (EISTI) and the École d’Électricité, de Production et des Méthodes Industrielles (ECAM-EPMI), training engineers in Cergy-Pontoise. The Val d’Oise covers all areas of the telecoms sector..

Hi-tech equipment manufacturing

LeThe Val d’Oise is home to numerous telecoms equipment manufacturers - and not exactly minor ones, either

Archos specialises in tablets and smartphones, revolutionising the consumer goods market and developing fast. It has moved to be closer to Logic Instrument, which specialises in electronics for professionals. Located in Domont, the company has been selling rugged laptops and mobile phones for use in hostile environments for 10 years now. Time Reversal Communications (Thales) produces encrypted phones and has unique expertise in the field of wireless communications and secure portable devices. A subsidiary of the Safran Group, Sagemcom is a world leader in the market of high value-added communication terminals (decoders, Internet boxes and electronic meters, etc.).
The Group covers three sectors: broadband, energy and the Internet of Things. Morpho is a pioneer in the mobile communications field and is now a leading force on the global biometrics and secure payment solutions markets.

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Data management

Many companies specialise in secure computer data storage – a major issue for businesses needing to provide strong protection for their strategic information. EMC2 is the world leader in this field. Its infrastructure solutions enable businesses to change their way of operating and generate value from their existing information. Atos and Inside Secure are also getting more involved in developing data and contactless technology. The Iliad Group (parent company of Free) is delivering innovation on the broadband and ultra-broadband market and has opted to set up a major facility in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône.

Application design

Many Val d’Oise SMEs and SMIs are active in the smartphone and tablet application market. Three business incubators provide support for innovative digital design: Neuvitec95 in Neuville-sur-Oise, an enterprise seedbed project for the Communauté d’Agglomération Plaine Vallée at Montmagny, delivering superior environmental quality and only 10 minutes from the Gare du Nord in Paris, Numéric Lab located in the Centre des Arts of Enghien-les-Bains:
• Neuvitec95 promotes web initiatives, social innovation and sustainable development.
• The Montmagny seedbed project is home to twenty or so talented start-ups.
• Numéric Lab whose start-up Indie Guides has just shown its colours with its eponymous application Indie Guides. This app reveals hidden locations in Paris, Berlin, Tokyo and even Istanbul. It is number 4 in USA Today’s top 10 best new travel applications.


Ingénierie des télécom

DesVal d’Oise SMEs and SMIs are developing innovative solutions that are revolutionising the telecoms world. The region is home to extremely high levels of expertise and can accommodate all sizes of business looking to operate in the sector. Val d’Oise is a great place to be. Just a few kilometres north of Paris and endowed with the Paris- Charles de Gaulle Airport – its doors are open to the world.






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GSMA - Mobile World Congress

The Mobile World Congress is a mobile communications technology trade fair. Val d’Oise companies showcase their innovative solutions there, including Atos, Archos, Morpho and Sagemcom. The Val d’Oise Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) attends every year, presenting opportunities for telecoms businesses to set up and expand in the Val d’Oise along with other opportunities related to digital applications.

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Higher education:

> Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
> École Nationale Supérieure de l’Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA)
> École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information(EISTI)
> École d’Électricité, de Production et des Méthodes Industrielles (ECAM-EPMI)
> École Supérieure d’Informatique, de Réseaux et Systèmes d’Information (ITESCIA)

Public research laboratories
> Laboratoire «Paragraphe» (UCP) Interdisciplinary research laboratory
• Cybermedia, Interaction, Transdisciplinarity and Ubiquity
• Comprehension, Reasoning and Knowledge Acquisition
• Conception, Creation, Skills, Practice
• Digital Script and Hypermediation
• Information and Documents in Context

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> Laboratoire ETIS (UCP, ENSEA, CNRS) Information Processing and Systems Team
• Multimedia data indexing and data integration
• Imagery
• Digital communications
• Reconfigurable systems on a chip
• Neurocybernetics
> Laboratoire SATIE (UCP, CNRS, ENS Cachan, ENS Rennes, CNAM, Université Paris Sud, IFFSTAR) IT and Energy Systems and Applications
• Research area: «information systems» (Instrumentation and imagery; methods and tools for signals and systems; bio microsystems and biosensors)
• Research area «Energy systems» (Power electronics and integration; Magnetic materials for energy; Energy systems for transport and the environment; Advanced electromobility)
> Laboratoire QUARTZ (EISTI, ENSEA, SUPMECA, ECAM-EPMI, Université Paris8)
• Complex systems, mechatronic systems
• Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Internet Of Things (IOT), semantic web
• Reduced and compact multi-physics models
• Operating safety and dynamic system reconfiguration
• Intelligent devices
> Laboratoire LR2E (ECAM-EPMI)
• Energy and Cities of the Future
• Mechatronics and On-Board Systems
• Manufacturing and Green Logistics



Major businesses in Val d’Oise

Atos - Computer systems and software consultancy
Catchmyworld - Design and distribution of smartphone and tablet applications
Depaepe - Manufacture of testing devices and equipment (telecoms and telephony)
EMC2 - Secure storage and exchange of computer data
Hub One - Telecoms operator for businesses, airports and high-density locations
Iliad - Innovator on the broadband and ultra-broadband access market (parent company of Free)
Inside Secure - On-board security solutions (secure payment, identification, Access control)
Jimic - Mobile application and web site development
LTE SAT - Network engineering, installation and maintenance
Logic Instrument - Design, manufacture and sale of phones, tablets and PCs for use in hostile environments (Archos)
Morpho - Biometrics expert (secure mobile transactions, Internet of Things, etc.)
Rakon France - Manufacture and sale of electronic components for professional applications
Sagemcom - Communication terminals with high value-added - broadband, smart city, Internet of Things
Time Reversal Communications - Encrypted phone sales (Thales)

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Cosmetics in Val d'Oise

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Val d’Oise, a trusted territory

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Testing and Measurement expertise

The Val d’Oise department supports business innovation and R&D, a priority focus of its economic development. It has encouraged the partnership with the Cosmetic Valley since 2009 in order to support its cosmetics sector. This Competitiveness Cluster brings together 300 member companies. Val d’Oise thus capitalises on its expertise in testing and measurement for cosmetic products, a field that represents a major challenge for the cosmetics sector and for its company base.

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Business conventions

COMET at Cergy-Pontoise - Many noninvasive methods are now used to characterize the cosmetic products properties and their interactions with skin and hair. Physico-chemical studies, biological and clinical effects measurements, the development of new instrumental techniques... are crucial for the cosmetic sector. COMET (Cosmetic Measurement & Testing) is the 1st scientific congress dedicated to cosmetics testing & measurement, the place where academic researchers, the major firms, SMEs and start-ups from around the world share knowledge and participate in scientific discussion.

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Close-up of a sector

The cosmetics sector represents 5,200 jobs in the Val d’Oise department. It is one of the sectors that has made the most progress in the territory over the past 10 years.
The third-largest sector in terms of exports in France, with 25% of the global market, the French cosmetics industry is mainly divided between three regions: Île-de-France, where it originated, and the regions of Centre-Val de Loire and Normandy. 800 companies in these 3 regions, of which 78% are SMEs, are listed within the Cosmetic Valley competitiveness
cluster. More than one cosmetic product in 10 sold throughout the world is made in the Cosmetic Valley, which has become the world’s leading cosmetics territory.

Sysley chooses Val d'Oise

In the Île-de-France region, which constitutes the largest employment market in the sector, Val d’Oise is home to major names in the cosmetics and perfume industry, most of which have been established for over a quarter of a century.

For example, the Ales Groupe, which has been developing its personal care products Lierac, its range of hair care products Phyto and its Caron perfumes in Bezons since 1988; Clarins, established since 1976 in Val d’Oise, which operates laboratories and production units for its personal care and make-up lines in its 60,000 m2 facility in Pontoise; Matis, which produces professional hair care and beauty products in Osny; Les laboratoires Payot in Cergy; and Sisley, which has chosen to bring together its laboratories and global supply chain in a 45,000 m2 facility in Le Parc de Saint-Ouen l’Aumône.
Val d’Oise is also home to the laboratories and perfumery school of the world leader in aromas and fragrances, Givaudan, creator of perfumes like Angel by Thierry Mugler and Opium by Yves Saint-Laurent, and those of the world no. 5, the Japanese company Takasago, established in Argenteuil and Saint-Ouenl’Aumône respectively.

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Par Moreover, other cosmetics companies have settled in the Val d’Oise laboratories and/or production units. Daito Kasei, a Japanese company, produces colour pigments for cosmetics in Frépillon. Evaflor assisted Phycosource (a start-up from Cergy-Pontoise) in the production of micro-algae extracts for testing purposes. Perfrance creates custom-made perfumes for export (brand distributors, etc.) in Cormeilles-en-Vexin. Paris Axe cosmétique sells make-up products for professionals and distributors.

Sensient Cosmetic Technologies: its international showcase in Val d’Oise

Sensient Cosmetic Technologies, an American group specialising in pigments and colorants for the cosmetics industry, has chosen the Val d’Oise department and is investing in its French plant and its offices in Cergy-Pontoise in order to make this area its international showcase.
The Val d’Oise department provides cosmetics companies with an ecosystem that promotes their growth and everything that contributes to the development of a strategic field of activity based on objectivation (the profiling of active ingredients in cosmetics).


Val d’Oise has capitalised on a major challenge for growth and innovation within this sector: testing and measurement for cosmetics. As such, several stakeholders that specialise in the evaluation and profiling of cosmetics are present in Val d’Oise, including the Val d’Oise Measurement Network (Cluster of SMEs specialising in the measurement field). This is also the case of the Cosmetomic platform, led by the University of Cergy-Pontoise, which helps companies in the sector to innovate and provide proof that France brand products are safe and effective, using top-quality tools in terms of measurement and profiling. This is why the Cosmetic Valley has chosen the Val d’Oise department to organise COMET (Cosmetic Measurement &Testing), an international scientific congress that brings together international scientists, engineers, manufacturers and academic researchers every two years based on this theme, in Cergy-Pontoise.





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The Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) promotes the cosmetics sector through studies, information tools and databases available to companies and academic stakeholders in the sector, as well as through the coordination of networks and the organisation of demonstrations.
The Val d’Oise Measurement Network brings together the SMEs from the Val d’Oise department working in evaluation (testing) and cosmetic profiling; a Cosmetomic platform, «Cosmetomic@UCP» led by the University of Cergy-Pontoise contributes to providing proof that cosmetic products are safe and effective.

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Research and higher education
School of Industrial Biology (EBI) at the Saint-Louis Polytechnical Institute: engineers and managers in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, agro-industrial and environmental sectors.
University of Cergy-Pontoise (UFR “Sciences and techniques”): Cosmetest 3-year degree, Masters in fine chemistry, polymer, analysis; cosmetic analysis method and technique, biochemistry of living materials; life sciences and new technologies- PhD in Chemistry.

The aim is to promote excellence in cosmetics in Val d’Oise and the sector’s stakeholders in the world.


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ESSEC - Luxury MBA:
the only MBA specialising in international luxury brand management.
EBI - ESCOM(1) - ISIPCA(2): supported by the Federation of Perfume Industries, the 3 schools have come together to organise a specialised Master’s degree (BAC + 6) in «international safety and regulation of perfumes and cosmetic products».

Public laboratories
ERRMECE: Extracellular/Cellular Matrix Relations Research Team.
SOSCO-UCP/ESCOM/CNRS: Selective Organic Synthesis and Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory.
LPPI: Polymer and Interface Physicochemistry Laboratory.
GRP2H: a branch of the INSERM 680 unit focused on Hereditary Hepatic Physiopathologies: molecular biology, DNA sequencing, cloning.

(1) ESCOM : (1) Higher School of Organic and Mineral Chemistry.
(2) ISIPCA : Higher Institute of Perfume, Cosmetics and Food Flavourings.


Flagship companies in the Val d’Oise department

Alès groupe - Production and packaging of beauty products
Bioros (laboratories) - Design and production of parapharmaceutical and cosmetic products
Clarins - Production and packaging of beauty products
Daitokasei Europe - Distribution of basic organic chemicals
Evaflor - Industrial production of perfumes and cosmetic products
Fragrance Contact - Design and production of fragrances for the perfume industry, cosmetics, personal hygiene products, household products and home fragrance products
Givaudan France fragrances - Perfume and fragrance creator
Herba Galenica - Cosmetics and nutrition science laboratory
Leonor Greyl - Shipment of hair care products
NG Payot - Production and sale of beauty products
Matis - Production of cosmetic products
Perfrance - Design and production of brand-name perfumes
Paris Axe cosmétique - Sale of beauty and cosmetic accessories
Phycosource - Biotechnology related to micro-algae and screening. Sale of plant extracts
Sensient Cosmetic Technologies - Colorants for cosmetics and hair colour
Sisley - Logistics laboratory and platform for beauty products, cosmetics and perfumes
Takasago Europe perfumery laboratory - Production and creation of fragrance concentrates
Tison Gallois (laboratories) - Production

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Conférence : Apéritif-Contact du CEEVO : "PME-PMI : Comment responsabiliser les managers au bon niveau pour atteindre les objectifs de l’entreprise ?" - Mercredi 16 octobre 2024 - 12h30

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, organise chaque mois des réunions à thèmes, les Apéritifs-Contacts, afin de permettre à des chefs d'entreprise et à...


Animations : Participez à l'Atelier de présentation / débat - « Comment transformer votre entreprise en vous appuyant sur la décarbonation » - jeudi 17 octobre 2024, de 8h30 à 10h00 – Le Plessis-Bouchard (95)

La Communauté d'agglomération Val Parisis organise un Atelier de présentation / débat sur le thème « Comment transformer votre entreprises en s’appuyant sur la décarbonation », le Jeudi 17 octobre,...


Intelligence Artificielle : Participez à la conférence "Intelligence Artificielle : Quels nouveaux modes de fonctionnement pour la fonction RH ?" - Enghien-les-Bains - 14 novembre 2024 - 18h30

LHH, en partenariat avec le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, et avec le MEDEF Val-d’Oise, organise le 14 novembre prochain, à 18h30, à...


Innovation : Participez aux 1ères Assises de l'innovation du Pôle Universitaire d'Innovation (PUI) CY Transfer - 28 novembre 2024 - 8h45-19h30 - Sarcelles (95)

Le CEEVO, en tant que partenaire du Pôle Universitaire d'Innovation (PUI) CY Transfer, informe les entreprises et les acteurs économiques du Val-d'Oise à propos de l'organisation, le jeudi 28 novembre...


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